
August 2, 2021. FROM THERE TO HERE: WAR, PEACE, PANDEMIC - A MEMOIR received Maincrest Media Book Award in the Memoir category.

September 20, 2017. Earthshine Book Awards: John E. Weaver Excellent Reads Award. "Loving Andrew" - Winner in Parenting Category
October, 2016. Book Excellence Awards, A Global Celebration of Literary Excellence. Finalist in Parenting Category

September 1, 2014. "Loving Andrew" received a 5 star review and an Honorable Mention in the Parenting category of the Readers' Favorite Book Awards

May 2014. "Loving Andrew" was a Finalist in the Parenting and Family category of the National Indie Excellence Awards.

May 2014. "Loving Andrew" received an Honorable Mention in the Memoir category of the Eric Hoffer Award program.

May 2014. "Loving Andrew" was a finalist for the Montaigne Medal and the Grand Prize in the Eric Hoffer Award program.

March 2014. "Loving Andrew" was a Finalist in the Parenting and Family category of the Beverly Hills Book Awards.

December 2013. Kirkus and IndieReader listed "Loving Andrew" among their BEST INDIE BOOKS OF 2013.

June 1, 2013 – "Loving Andrew" was one of six top winners of the IndieReader Discovery Awards (IRDAs) announced at BookExpo America (BEA) in New York City. The book won second place in non-fiction.
Judges for the awards included publishers, agents, publicists, reviewers, authors, bloggers, and producers. The book was awarded five stars out of five by the IndieReader’s reviewer. See the review on the LOVING ANDREW page.